Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well today I flew out to Kivalina to do some testing for the district. It is a lovely village. It was snowing on the flight here, so no pictures from the plane. :( As soon as Jean (the lady that does the testing with me) and myself go to the school, we went to work testing kids. After school was over we took a walk through town. The village sits on a little piece of land between two bodies of water. Right behind the school was the best view of sea ice that has pushed up. I found one set of sea ice that looks like a snow cave. We were walking on a good 5 feet of snow as we were walking around town. There are no cars or trucks here, just snow-gos (snow machines) and hondas (4 wheelers). We came to the school on a snow-go with a dog sled attached to the back. I rode on the back of the snow-go and Jean was sitting on the sled with our bags. I will get picture up as soon as I get home. I forgot my card reader at home....sorry all. The rest of the night will just be relaxing, reading, and talking to Luke via messenger. I will be out here until Friday after school. So I'll report more about the village in the next two days.

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