Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day of School

Aug 22, 2012....first day of third grade for Jackson. Since we moved we had to choose where to put him for school, keep him at Chugiak Elementary, or Snowshoe (which would be the new one). For scheduling and child care reasons we kept him at Chugiak. Well here are the first day of school pics. Of course Qyanna had to get into some of them.

Teddy Bear Picnic 2012

 Every year Eagle River does a Bear Paw Festival. Part of it is the Teddy Bear Picnic. The kids love it, so of course we went. All of the picnic is free. They bring their teddy bears, Jackson brought Friend, and Qyanna brought Pooh. The kids got their face painted, the bears got their boo boo fixed. Jackson ate gummy bears in whip topping, and the lunch box derby. Qyanna loved the toddler area. The Army brought a bunch of bouncing activities that the kids like. It was just a fun afternoon.

Jackson eating the gummy bears

The toddler area....She has soo much fun here.

working on his car

Ready to race!

I'm gonna make it through the course

swinging away

Sunday, August 19, 2012

4th of July 2012

So 4th of July here actually starts the night of the 3rd. The fireworks get shot off at 12:00 am (4th). The kids had fun running around till 12 we got home about midnight and crashed. We were all tired. then on the 4th we went to the parade for our community. It was a nice parade, and the kids got TONS of candy. We met up with a friend and her family at the play ground. The kids had fun!

Jackson waiting for the fireworks

waiting for the parade

She did not want to take a pic

Qyanna and Susan waiting for the Parade

Highland Games 2012

We went to the Highland Games once again. I love going. The kids had fun. Jackson was looking forward to doing the kids games. He did really well this year. I got my fix of men in kilts, and ire brue :)

the bagpipe bands....i love hearing them play

weight throw....he knocked down the almost got it over :)

Jackson doing the rock throw
Caber Toss....

While watching the caber toss, Qyanna would play in the grass, when the crowd cheered she would jump up cheer, then sit down and play again....It was sooo cute.

Yummy ice cream!

really cream

Qyanna got a princess bear....she just loved it!

princess bear was tired....

I love watching the large caber part of the game!

Our last trip to Denali

Well the last trip for the kids and I. We stayed at the campground again, but it rained most of the time....our tent was soaked! We visited Luke, he showed us some of his views while checking on rafters. We just had a nice quiet time.

One of Luke's look out points

this is where he looks for the rafters then books it to the next spot

Qyanna loves her Daddy
One of the fun parts of having our small tent soaked was that I put it up in the playroom to dry out, and the kids got to play in it.

Denali part 3--Rafting

One of the HUGE benefits of having Luke work up there was that we got to go rafting for free. Luke went several times, but Jackson and I only got to go once. Up here since the water is soo cold in the summer you dont wear a wet suit, you wear a dry suit. This suit keeps you dry, even though you feel wet while wearing it, once you take it off you are completely dry...suck a strange feeling. Anyways here are the pics that I took while we rafted. 

Getting ready to get into the water

getting wet on the river

look at those to good looking guys

Luke's rafting company.....they do a GREAT job!

While doing his Jr Ranger badge it asked about a memory, Jackson drew a pic of rafting....sweet huh.

Denali part 2--Dog Kennels

So at the park they have a dog kennel. They raise and train dog sled dogs. They do a demo on how they use the dogs. They also let you walk around and pet and talk to the dogs before the show. Qyanna did not want to touch them at all. She would walk around, wave and say hi to them. The kids really enjoyed the dogs. 
Jackson petting the dogs.

Qyanna waving to them