Sunday, April 15, 2012


I thought I had done Easter pics...I guess I didn't oopps. We went the week before to Wal-mart. They had an Easter Bunny that came to visit. So we took the kids to see him. Qyanna wanted nothing to do with him. She screamed at him. LOL. We also colored Easter eggs. Then on Easter weekend the ward did an Easter party. The kids had fun. Jackson did an egg toss, and and potato sack race. Qyanna won a guess how many m&ms are in the jar (Well I really did, but I put Qyanna's name on the paper). Easter morning the kids hunted eggs in the house, due to the fact we still have 3 feet of snow out there. And we got ready and went to church. After church I made dinner. Ham with all the fixing and my sunflower cake. Everyone loved it. So here are the pictures. Enjoy!

Jackson coloring eggs

Qyanna coloring eggs

The completed eggs

Qyanna's basket

Jackson's basket

Easter morning

Qyanna finding eggs

Dressed for church

Qyanna's Easter dress

Jackson's Easter outfit

Helping daddy make egg salad sandwiches

my sunflower cake

finding eggs

finding eggs

The kids and the Easter Bunny....not a happy Qyanna

Qyanna's 2nd Birthday

So yesterday was Qyanna's 2nd birthday. We really didn't do anything big, no big party or anything, but we did have a friend visiting from Kotzebue. We had pizza and soda for dinner, and I make a cake that looked like Pooh, her favorite. She got 6 balloons, a play kitchen that sings and makes sounds, and a bath time Pooh. She loved everything! We are so lucky to have such a great little girl!!! Here are the pictures and video from her birthday.

Singing Happy Birthday...she didnt quite get the whole blowing the candle out
She LOVED her balloons...carried them around all afternoon!


Her Birthday cake

Cake with the candle

What will it be????


She loved her bath time Pooh

Pooh was better than cake

Her new play kitchen