So I really haven't been a slacker this time per say...the power cord on my laptop broke, and I only had three weeks left in Kotzebue, which means I did not have enough time to order a new one and get it there before i left, so I just held out until I moved to Anchorage and got one Friday.
So school was out in the beginning of May and I stuck around and did the extended school year. I packed up my apartment, worked and played with my baby. Poor baby girl in the last few days every time she fell asleep for a nap something would disappear from the apartment. Last Tuesday the guys from our branch came over and helped me load the pallet to ship all of our stuff to Anchorage, she fell asleep right before they came, when she woke up everything that had been in boxes was gone. Then the next day she went down for a nap and some guys came and picked up our futon. When she woke up the living room was completely empty.
Getting out to Anchorage was quite the adventure. Thursday we checked out of our apartment at 11, then headed over to the airport. Our flight was suppose to start boarding at 2, so we had some time. Then the evil evil fog rolled in. Alaska airlines canceled the flight and rebooked everyone on the 6:30 flight. That means that we got into Anchorage at 10:30 pm. Then as wonderful friend of ours is letting us use her car while she is driving up with my hubby. So I get a cab, I have mind you Qyanna, her car seat, stroller, a small duffel, a backpack filled to the ends, a huge duffel, a large tub, and Qyanna's pack n play. The cab driver got lost going to find the place where my friends car was. Then by some miracle I found our way to the apartment where we are staying. Now it is past midnight. I get Qyanna to bed, and of course she fights it tooth and nail.
Friday we sleep in..well as late as a baby will. Then we ran errands. Today we went the the Saturday Market in downtown Anchorage. It was fun. One of booths was a guy who made shirts and signs that bashed are a few of his signs.....

And of course some really cute Qyanna pictures...These are all from when we were still in Kotz

Look Mommy's new bed.

Is this how you wear sunglasses.....

AAAAAA...its moving day soon!!!!!

My master piece is NOT finished....come back later. 
I am going to be a let me study the Food Network Magazine.
End of May and beginning of June is when the ice finally starts to break up in Kotzebue. This is the first year I stayed long enough to see here are some pictures of break up.